
Roniu's Tale for the NES

Created by Mega Cat Studios

Roniu's Tale is a new original game for the NES. Our goal is to deliver on our love for the 8-bit era, and we need your help to bring our vision to life! The plan is to finish this game and release it as a gorgeous physical edition complete with cart, box, and manual, offering the best quality possible to retro lovers. The game will be delivered in a multi-region cartridge compatible with any NES (PAL, NTSC and NTSC-J) console versions I and II.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Alakazam Alakazoo: We've got a Smoke Test Survey Just For You!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 05:00:15 AM

Hey Everyone!

We are super excited to be moving onto the next step of our magical journey and we need your help! The first thing we need to do is send out a small "smoke test" to a small percentage of backers who will log in and complete their orders and make sure everything is operating properly. Backers to receive the first round of surveys from the smoke test are chosen at random from each tier. 

After smoke test surveys are all filled out, we will be allowed to send out surveys to everyone else to the email you have associated with your Kickstarter account :)

How to Use Backerkit

Once you receive your email, you'll click the link it provides and you should see a screen similar to the one below). This is where you'll confirm your pledge level, select your region, and enter the Backerkit platform.


The next screen is where you'll choose any add-ons you may want to include. Don't forget backers will have access to the Limited Edition Cartridge and the Roniu's Tale for Nintendo Switch key,  so snag yourself an extra copy while you can! 

Address Info

Ordered a physical reward? Please complete this section as soon as possible. If you are moving soon, never fear! Feel free to input your current address. You can change your address at any time (before it's shipped) by clicking the survey link in your email. And if you lose the email, just message us, and we'll resend it to you. no problem. Don't forget to include your current phone number as well since many of our carriers worldwide use them to update customer package statuses.

Confirmation Page

Almost done! The final screen you'll see is where you'll confirm your order and pay the shipping fees (as well as for anything you may have added). Don't forget to double-check your shipping info and added items on the screen. If you need to edit them, you can click the large arrow banner of the portion you need to edit (Add-ons or Shipping). 

Ta-da, that's it! Once you click "Place My Order" you've successfully completed the survey! Once your survey is completed, we will lock orders with a "Final Notice" of 48hrs. Once locked, we will charge cards and send out the final notice for locking in addresses. If you have any questions not included in the FAQ, feel free to email us directly to [email protected] and include your Kickstarter email address if you are emailing from a different address.

Stay tuned for more updates as the magic continues! 

A Heartfelt Thank You To All Of Our Friends
over 2 years ago – Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 09:39:13 PM

Operation: Roniu Was A Success!

When we first started this journey, all we had was a demo, a dream, and the knowledge that anything is possible with the help of a friend.  That's where you guys came in. Throughout the entire campaign, you guys were our constant motivation, and thanks to you that dream is now a reality. We couldn't be more grateful! Not only did we unlock every single stretch goal, but we surpassed them with a total of 49.2K. We couldn't have done it without you guys - thank you!

From Everyone On The Roniu's Tale Team: THANK YOU!

Though the campaign is over,  the fun doesn't stop: next up are backer surveys and add-ons. Looking to get a jump start on holiday shopping or snag something from a different tier? We got you. Over the next week, we'll also be reaching out to backers who will be appearing in the game credits and putting together a pre-order page for all of our non-Kickstarter friends.  Stay tuned for more updates in the coming days as the magic continues!

Less Than 12 Hours Left!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 08:49:04 AM

Hey Magical Friends,

We made it! With less than 12 hours left on our Kickstarter campaign, we have surpassed all of our stretch goals and are currently at 479% funded.  If you missed yesterday's update you'll be pleased to know that all backers of tiers Wandering Wizard and above will receive a FREE digital copy of Roniu's Tale for the Nintendo Switch now that we have unlocked the final stretch goal! 

It has been an amazing journey with you all, but the fun doesn't stop here! Soon we will be unlocking our backer surveys and offering plenty of add-ons to keep the magic going.

Presenting: The Postcards!

Cell service in magical dungeons can be pretty abysmal, that's why we've created these wonderful postcards to help you communicate with the surface while you escape! Each postcard features iconic imagery from the game and is perfect for displaying or sending to a friend! 

Looking to add something magical to your desk decor? Then you will definitely want to get yourself one of our exclusive Roniu's Tale statues.  Let Roniu guide your way as your tackle your work and studies, he makes a great paperweight and the perfect reminder that anything is possible with the help of a friend! 

A Quick Word From The Internet

Nothing has been greater than being able to experience the live feedback we've received from everyone in our community and we are super grateful to all those who have taken the time to let us know their thoughts.  From fans to influencers, people all over the globe are talking about Roniu, and we'd love to share some of their first impressions with you guys.  Don't forget to like and subscribe to these channels for more gaming news and reviews! 

Unlocking the Final Stretch Goal : The Magic Is Happening!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 12:46:58 PM

Hey Magical Friends,

We did it! With a little over two days left, you guys have rallied around us and helped us make the magic happen: Roniu's Tale will be coming to the Nintendo Switch! In addition to unlocking the final stretch goal, we have a special thank you surprise for you guys. We'll also take a look at the latest news regarding the manga, an in-depth interview with the entireWhat's Kunjee Studios team, and a take a look at a brand new giveaway! 

Switch News & A Special Thank You

It's official: we have broken through 45K and Roniu's Tale will be a reality on Nintendo Switch! From Day 1, we all had hoped we would be able to reach this point, and looking back we could not have done it without the tremendous support from our generous backers, and the wonderful influencers who picked up our project along the way.  In honor of that, we wanted to thank all of you for joining us on this journey!

Thank You For Helping Us Make This Happen!

Backers who have selected the Wandering Wizard Tier and above will receive a digital copy of Roniu's Tale for the Nintendo Switch with their order! Backers will also be able to add on extra copies at 50% off MRSP (TBA).  Everything is possible with the help of a friend, and now you can take the magic with you wherever you may find yourself! 

Manga Made Real

Super Curious To Know What's Going On Here

As the campaign draws to a close, we are still hard at work putting the final touches on all your rewards and we are pleased with how everything is coming out.  In our next update, we'll take a look at how the Roniu's Tale postcards are coming along but for now, take a peek at what your Roniu's Tale mangas will look like! 

Getting To Know The Team

Want to know more about the Kunjee Studios team? Scrobins from Video Game Sage gets in-depth with the guys behind Roniu's Tale, and had this to say about his first impressions of the game:

"Roniu’s Tale is a charming puzzler whose simple gameplay and infectious soundtrack will make you forget you’ve been stuck on the same level for the past half hour. . Joining fellow homebrew games like Łukasz Kur & M-Tee’s Gruniożerca 3, Retroguru’s Xump 2, and Mega Cat Studios’ own Little Medusa, Roniu’s Tale offers a creative entry into the genre that will immerse players eager to see how far they can go before hitting their first wall. But the frustration is mild, as the game never feels unfair in its design. Each level feels like an accomplishment once beaten, with a strong sense of that all too familiar “just one more level” urge calling out to you."  Read more...

Did Someone Say Free?

Do you like free things? Looking to get your hands on an extra regular or Limited Edition cartridge for a friend?  Well, you are in luck because we have not one, but TWO amazing give away in store for you.  Sign up for a chance to win a regular Roniu's Tale cartridge here,  don't delay - this contest ends once the campaign does! Feeling extra lucky? Our friends over at Destructoid got you covered. Head on over  and enter for the chance to win a Limited Edition copy of Roniu's Tale ( it glows!) 

6 Days And Counting: New Demo Available!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Sep 10, 2021 at 12:18:16 AM

Hey Friends,

With only 6 days left of the campaign, we are just a little over 2K shy of reaching our final stretch goal! Having you all alongside us during this journey has been incredible, and we are all super excited to be able to bring Roniu's Tale to life!  We have been tirelessly updating and implementing fixes to bring you guys the best player experience possible and we are ready to share some of our improvements.

The Update You've Been Waiting For

Throughout the campaign, Roniu's Tale has been under a state of constant development - and thanks to the feedback from supporters like you we've implemented many changes and are ready to unveil our new and improved game demo! 

Some of the changes include level design improvements for  Level 1-1 and Level 2-5, balancing of general difficulty, screen improvements, and various bug fixes.  Ready to check out the changes? Download the updated demo here and let us know how you like it! 

More Manga, More Influencers, More Fun

In addition to working on the game, we have not forgotten to continue polishing the last touches of our exclusive backer rewards! Both the script and art for the comic book are nearly complete and we have two brand new pages to share with you guys.

But that's not all, the great folks over at GameSideStory have had these amazing words to say about Roniu's Tale: "More than promising, Roniu's Tale is a well-designed homebrew that is wonderfully inspired by great classics of the NES without stupidly copying and pasting them. We will wait impatiently for the final version." Over on YouTube, Ris Grestar treated us to an hour of gameplay, check out his video below!